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-How do the controls feel? Are they smooth, rigid or satisfying? - YES! -If you could change something about the environment, what would it be? - The background.

  • How easy on a scale of 1-10 did you find the puzzles? - from easy to hard 3/10

-Would it impact your game-play experience if we took away that jumping ability in this introduction? - ? -Is there anything that made you feel wholesome? - the purring. -If you had to say one thing about the game that stood out to you the most, what would it be? - the controls feel great -What are your thoughts on the sound design? - needs refinement however as a WIP its good. -What do you like and don't like? - I like the feel and dislike some of the hitboxes. -Overall, what kind of atmosphere does the game have? - a retro indie arcade. (in a good way) -Are there any specific themes that you caught onto? - ? I feel that speedrunning may be a big part of the game.

What is your favourite part of the test? though short it may be.